It’s been two years since our Strategic Objectives Team first went into lockdown on Friday, March 13, 2020.
We closed our spacious, downtown Toronto offices and went virtual, expecting a two-week hiatus to flatten the curve, work in the unprecedented comfort of our own homes, and to stay safe.
Now, two years and many changes in Public Health Guidelines later, we are thrilled to be moving into a hybrid work environment where we are working from home, coming into the office, and adjusting to a NEW normal.
There’s no question, life under lockdown changed everything for everyone. To find out just how much things changed for our mighty Strategic Objectives Team, we conducted a survey, and as you will see, our amazingly resilient PR pros came up with plenty of new ways to adapt to life’s ever-changing realities.
SO on the Move
Despite travel restrictions, nothing stopped our SO team from moving around. In fact, 45% of us moved into a new living space during lockdown.

Our Expanding Family
Three baby humans and 10 fur babies joined our SO family during lockdown. We love kids and pets and can’t wait to welcome our new teammates to the office for a play date.

Comfort Zone
We fully embraced working from home and the comfort that comes with it.
- 100% of us report wearing less makeup than pre-lockdown
- 60% say they wear comfy clothes all day
- and 40% get dressed from the waist up, i.e. business on top, party on the bottom — the mullet of biz attire

Zoom-ing In
SOers celebrate friend and family connections, even while staying apart.
- More than 60% of us joined a virtual family celebration — wedding, birthday, graduation, etc. — over Zoom
- 100% of us hosted Facetime/Zoom parties with our friends, at least once.

Get Out!
Outdoors was, and is, the place to be, and our sporty team is into everything from golf, biking, walks, hikes, and running, to dog walking, volleyball, rollerblading, and hitting the slopes. Fully 90% of us ventured into the great outdoors to stay active and soak-up some natural Vitamin D.

We are Foodies!
Although indoor resto dining was off the table, nothing stopped us from supporting local, and dining-in at home, with takeout.
- 67% of us ordered in more food than we did pre-lockdown
- and 100% of us ordered in at least once a week

We watched A LOT of TV — shows, series, and movies. SO much so that we can’t even tally-up total time spent binge-watching over the last two years.
Some of our faves include:

Learning and Improving
The pandemic presented the perfect opportunity for us to learn new skills and adopt new hobbies! Some of the things we learned to do, or do better, include:
- Cooking/Baking
- Marie Kondo-ing
- At-Home Workouts
- Plant Parenting
- Home Spa Care: nails, skincare, etc.
- Self-Care
- Saving Money
- Diving into Podcasts
- Building a Website
- Fortnite Pro Level

Here are some quotable quotes from our team:
- Always stock up on TP — Victor Anastacio, CFO
- I used to think I needed to be around people to relax and unwind after a long week. Lockdown taught me how valuable moments of solitude are and how they can be restorative and replenishing mentally. — Carolina Surma, Senior Consultant
- I learned that I really value time outside in nature and connecting with it solo and with loved ones. In a way, I learned a lot about what I truly value in life and coming out of lockdown, I know I’ll be prioritizing things that matter most to me and are worth my time. — Taffin Sekulin, Consultant
- I learned the importance of family, friends, and keeping them close. At the end of the day, when all the luxuries of life are gone, they are who we have to stand by us and keep us strong — Samantha Groome, Culture and Digital Champion
- I learned to be more grateful for the small things! My housemate and I started a ‘jar of good things’ where every Friday we write down positive things that happened that week. At the end of the year, we go through the jar and read everything. It put a lot into perspective and made us realize how many happy moments we had amid the pandemic — Emma Ninham, Account Manager
- I became a homebody and more comfortable with my own company in the best way! – Alysha Kearney, Account Consultant
- I learned the importance of staying in touch with the people I collaborate with on both a personal and professional level, and worked hard to discover new ways to keep the energy, ideas, and creativity flowing — Deborah Weinstein, Partner and Co-Founder